Going to the beach is a fun activity that many enjoy, but some acts of carelessness can lead to disasters that would otherwise be avoidable.
What happened?
The Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust in England told the BBC in March that it has seen an increase in plastic waste on the county's beaches. In one instance, a seal was found dead with a plastic ring wrapped around its neck.
The death of one seal was enough to push the trust to issue a stern plea for people not to leave beach toys behind.
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"It is down to all of us to act responsibly and to think about plastic use," said Matthew Capper, the head of communications for the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust. "Take your rubbish away with you, but also pick up any other litter you see. Take more than what you came with."
The trust said seals have a natural curiosity that leads them to interact with plastic in the sea more often than other animals.
"A young seal might put their head through the ring and continue to grow and then get stuck," Capper said. "We have been operating for 75 years, and we have taken all this time to protect wildlife. So when something like this happens it feels like a failure."
Why is this important?
Plastic waste on beaches is not just unsightly, it can have serious consequences for marine life and our own health. Earth.org reported that "about 100,000 marine animals [are] killed by ocean plastic ingestion or entanglement each year, and this is only the tip of the iceberg."
The beaches in Lincolnshire aren't alone in facing this problem. For example, a TikTok video from Ocean Conservation Namibia showed two professional seal rescuers saving a baby seal entangled in plastic waste, which was choking and injuring the poor creature. While the seal was saved by their quick action, it was a stark reminder of the broader plastic problem affecting our oceans and the animals that call them home.
However, plastic pollution is not just about the visible trash we see but also includes microplastics that can be even more insidious. These microplastics can be ingested by marine animals, which is incredibly dangerous to their health and can be fatal.
What can be done about this?
One of the ways we can make a positive impact is by taking local climate action, like participating in beach cleanups. If you're looking to get involved, you might consider joining or organizing a local cleanup event. Not only does this help remove the trash from our beaches, but it also raises awareness about the importance of disposing of our waste properly.
Also, exploring plastic-free alternatives for everyday products can significantly reduce the amount of plastic that ends up on our shores. By properly following recycling rules, reducing our reliance on single-use plastics, supporting brands with plastic-free packaging, and joining movements that help keep our beaches and oceans clean, we can make a significant impact.
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