Are your monthly electricity bills as high as summer temperatures? It might be time to do some digging to see what's driving up those costs.
TikTok user jacksonlheureux (@cheese_jackson45) has a smart approach that could help you chill out those utility bills while reducing your energy footprint.
@cheese_jackson45 Follow for part 2! #fyp #electricbill #reduce #savemoney #lifehacks #explore #trending #tiktok ♬ Electric Avenue - Electric Avenue
The scoop
In a recent video, Jackson shares how he used a watt meter to measure the energy consumption of various appliances around his home.
"With the summer heat at full blast, our bill nearly doubled, so it's time to make some changes," Jackson explains.
He discovers that his 15-year-old TV gobbles up nearly 140 watts, while his PlayStation 4 uses about 44 watts during light use and six watts in rest mode, similar to an LED light bulb.
Armed with this information, Jackson made some smart adjustments, like lowering his TV's backlight to reduce consumption to 90 watts and fully shutting down the PS4 when not in use.
How it's working
Knowledge is power when it comes to slashing utility bills. By investing in an inexpensive watt meter, you can sleuth out which devices are the biggest energy hogs and find simple ways to cut back.
Take that 15-year-old TV guzzling 140 watts. If you watch TV for five hours per day, that could cost you over $25 per year. Multiply that by multiple power-hungry appliances and the costs can really add up.
But it's not just about saving money. By reducing your energy use, you're also helping to build a cooler, cleaner future for the planet. The electricity powering our homes often comes from burning dirty gases, a major driver of atmospheric pollution and rising temperatures.
It's a vicious cycle: Electricity output releases gases into the atmosphere, those gases heighten temperatures, people crank up their AC units even more, the electricity output releases gases into the atmosphere, and so on.
The less energy we use, the less pollution we create. And small changes, like shutting off devices when not in use, can have a big impact when more of us get on board.
What people are saying
Inspired by Jackson's video, TikTok users are sharing their own energy-saving tips:
- "Biggest and easiest things you can do is change ALL your lightbulbs to LEDs and insulation film over your windows. Those alone will save you hundreds."
- "PSA to anyone wanting to do this: Your local library may have one of these watt meters available for checkout! Common brand is 'kill-o-watt' I believe."
- "Get solar. Been paying $25 a month."
So go ahead and channel your inner energy detective. A few simple changes could have you celebrating lower bills while feeling great about doing your part for our planet's future. Sounds like a win-win to us.
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