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Homeowner reveals simple trick to help improve efficiency of AC system: 'You're going to save yourself a bunch of money'

Dealing with AC drain clogs can be timely and expensive to deal with, not to mention uncomfortable if your AC system becomes compromised.

Dealing with AC drain clogs can be timely and expensive to deal with, not to mention uncomfortable if your AC system becomes compromised.

Photo Credit: TikTok

Summer is in the air, bringing hot temperatures that will cause people all over the world to start turning on their AC units. This means it is time to make sure your AC unit drains are clean and ready to go. 

Not sure how to clean them? Luckily, TikToker Gator (@jmg8tor) has a quick solution.


Clean ac drain line

โ™ฌ original sound - ๐ŸŠ๐Ÿ’™GATOR๐Ÿ’™๐ŸฆŒ

The scoop

Gator's TikTok video takes viewers through an easy process that can clean out AC unit drains. All you need is a shop vacuum. 

Find your AC unit drains, which will likely be coming out of a wall from your house near the AC unit, and put the shop vac nozzle up to the drain. From there, let the shop vac run for a couple of minutes, and you'll see all the junk come out of those drains.

This utility hack is great because not only is it simple, but it also helps to prevent clogs in your drains, which can then lead to major flooding. 

"You're going to save yourself a bunch of money and save yourself a lot of headache," Gator states at the end of his video.

How it's helping

AC unit drains help condensate water to flow to and from the AC. Dealing with clogs can be time-consuming and expensive to deal with, not to mention uncomfortable if your AC system becomes compromised during the increasingly hotter summer months. 

When those drains get clogged, it can cost around $200 to repair the drains. If flooding has begun to occur, that cost can soar depending on the water damage, according to Blue Water Climate Control.

Gator's easy and cheap hack to ensure that your AC drains are functional is useful as temperatures continue to rise. However, it can be expensive to keep your home cool. That's why it is important to utilize smart home technology to reduce your utility bills and energy usage simultaneously.

Examples of ways to make your home eco-friendly include unplugging idle appliances to reduce your vampire energy, installing solar panels so that the energy used to keep cool is renewable, and weatherizing your home by adding insulation. Companies like EnergySage can help you find the right kind of renewable energy for your home.

Making your home more energy efficient and keeping your AC running smoothly will also contribute to a cooler, healthier planet.

What everyone's saying

TikTok users love Gator's helpful videos and were pleased to learn of an easy utility hack to prevent clogging and flooding from their AC units.

One user shared their experience, saying: "Pay attention people!! I paid $250 for the AC guys to come out and clean that drain, took them five minutes. I asked if they could work on the priceโ€ฆ"

"Gator, you are the best! I wish you were my neighbor," praised another user.

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