Your guide to a cleaner, cooler future

The Cool Down is all about making it easy to help yourself while helping the planet💡

Your guide to a cleaner, cooler future

The Cool Down is all about making it easy to help yourself while helping the planet.

The way we shop, the way we eat, the way we get around, the way we power, heat, and cool our homes — all this and more is already changing thanks to clean tech and innovation. We believe the best is still to come in the years ahead, and we want to connect you to the cleaner, cooler future with stories and tips you're not getting anywhere else.

Don't give up

It's true — our planet is in trouble. Pollution is making it harder for humans and animals to thrive and causing extreme weather like stronger hurricanes, heavier floods, bigger fires, and more intense heat waves.

But it doesn't have to be this way, because we know how to solve these problems. And the solutions are going to make all of our lives better — they're going to make us safer, richer, healthier, and happier. All we have to do is make the choice to act. 

Don't miss out

Consider us your in-the-know friend who can help you figure out the what, the how, and the why of sustainable living. We've got actionable advice for healthier habits and inspiring stories about people making a difference. We've done the research so you don't have to, and we have the inside scoop on products and practices that can improve your life without sacrificing quality, happiness, or fun.

We invite you to join our community of people who want to be on the cutting edge of a better world — and we hope you'll let us help you build a cooler future for yourself and your loved ones.

TCD newsletters make it easy to help yourself while helping the planet

We're an accomplished group of optimistic people who are laser-focused on showing you the way to a brighter future. Some of us are sustainability newbies and others are eco experts — but our mantra is progress, not perfection. As an all-remote team, we represent America from coast to coast and everywhere in between.

Dave finocchio

Co-Founder, CEO

  • Lightbulb Moment

    Lightbulb Moment

    Living on the West Coast, I'm getting tired of my kids having to breathe smoke for weeks to months every year

  • Most Excited About

    Most Excited About

    Trying to eliminate everything from our house that pumps greenhouse gases into the atmosphere


Co-Founder, Head of Content

  • Lightbulb Moment

    Lightbulb Moment

    Poor air quality preventing my kids from going to preschool

  • Most Excited About

    Most Excited About

    Composting at our elementary school! EVs! Solar! Clean beauty! Vintage shopping!


Co-Founder, Head of Operations

  • Lightbulb Moment

    Lightbulb Moment

    Being 12 years old and hearing George Carlin tell it like it is

  • Most Excited About

    Most Excited About

    The clean economic revolution that's going to kick off a new American Century

Abby jackson

Curation Editor

  • Lightbulb Moment

    Lightbulb Moment

    Learning extreme weather events have intensified and will continue intensifying.

  • Most Excited About

    Most Excited About

    Eating more locally, growing my own food, and composting!


Managing Editor

  • Lightbulb Moment

    Lightbulb Moment

    Watching young people on social media lose hope over their futures

  • Most Excited About

    Most Excited About

    Starting to compost!

ben stern

Curation Manager

  • Lightbulb Moment

    Lightbulb Moment

    In an environmental science class I realized: It's go time

  • Most Excited About

    Most Excited About

    I am READY to own an electric car and bike

Dillon thompson

Senior Editor

  • Lightbulb Moment

    Lightbulb Moment

    Realizing how easily I could cut meat out of my diet.

  • Most Excited About

    Most Excited About

    Learning to shop secondhand for nearly all my clothes, books, and more.

joe yanarella

Senior Advisor

  • Lightbulb Moment

    Lightbulb Moment

    Watching people flee their homes due to out-of-control California wildfires

  • Most Excited About

    Most Excited About

    Scaling back significantly on eating meat