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Resident frustrated with HOA's baffling community amenity enforcement: 'This seems like really poor management'

"It should be shared."

"It should be shared."

Photo Credit: iStock

A California condo owner took to Reddit to vent and ask for advice after the homeowner's association assigned electric vehicle charging stations to non-EV-driving residents in the community's parking garage. 

In a post on the r/HOA subreddit last month, the Redditor, who drives an EV, explained that a major draw to the condo was the access to assigned parking spots that included EV charging stations.

"A very big reason I chose to purchase a home here was that I could charge my car," they wrote.  

But that excitement turned to irritation as the new homeowner discovered that the EV charging stalls had already been assigned — to non-electric cars. ("The sign above each stall [says] 'parking for electric vehicle charging only,'" the homeowner added in a comment.) 

The Redditor contacted the HOA about the parking situation and was told to get on a waitlist. 

"I am now frustrated because all the EV stalls are assigned to non EV cars," the Redditor complained. "... I can't even use a stall." 

Coveted parking notwithstanding, driving an electric vehicle has plenty of perks: powerful performance, fast acceleration, less spending on repairs, and even opportunities for tax credits and other financial incentives. Importantly, they also reduce toxic air pollution and its negative effects on people, animals, and the environment

Though most Reddit commenters concluded that the original poster's HOA didn't violate any specific regulations, they emphasized the homeowner's right to access a car charger. 

Unfortunately, it's not always easy to enact this kind of change, as many HOAs across the United States block eco-friendly (and cost-effective) updates like solar panels and lower-maintenance lawns. That said, it might be worth approaching your HOA to discuss restrictive bylaws, especially those that hold back money-saving, sustainable initiatives. 

One comment encouraged the original Redditor to bring the HOA a proposal to place an EV charger in the owner's current assigned parking spot (at the owner's effort and expense). It's an ask that the HOA is under some pressure to approve: Per California law, the commenter shared, "it must be granted if a reasonable request." (In any event, always read the fine print.) 

"If the HOA paid for the EV charging equipment, it should be shared" a second commenter stated

A third commenter echoed the original poster's discouragement: "Regardless of whether the HOA is in the right or not this seems like really poor management." 

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